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ZHdK Summer School 2024: Szenografisches Raumdesign: Eine transformative Praxis.

Next Summer, I will teach a scenographic course at the Zurich University of the Arts. MORE INFO.

Here is a short description:

Scenographic spatial design is understood as a transformative and critical practice. Design goes beyond aesthetics and becomes a powerful critical commentary and change tool. Participants delve into a study of the interpretation and redesign of space, using an existing exhibition as a case study and exploring the principles of scenographic design. The approach encourages dynamic interaction with space and considers its potential to tell stories, evoke emotions, and provoke thoughts. Through practical experiences and theoretical insights, learners develop a deep understanding of how scenography can transform ordinary spaces into extraordinary experiences. The course aims to impart valuable skills and sharpen the critical eye for reading and scenographically redesigning spaces. In addition to theoretical input and guided work in the seminar room, we visit the Museum of Design and its workshop.


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